ProMax是由美国布莱恩研究与工程公司(BR&E)开发,原名TSWEET和PROSIM,是一款强大的工艺流程模拟软件。目前,Promax在世界范围内广泛的应用于天然气加工处理,石油炼制等石油化工行业中。ProMax完全按照C++语言面向对象的原则进行设计,这使其能够与Microsoft Visio,Excel和Word等完美的结合在一起,大大扩展了其前身TSWEET 和PROSIM的能力。
在过去的30年里,TSWEET模拟软件的出色表现而在脱硫行业内取得的了很高的声誉,由于BR&E掌握了完整的气液平衡数据,再加上精通多套实际 工程的操作数据,根据这些数据总结及修正了适合脱硫体系的热力学方程,这使得其在脱硫工艺过程中,模拟的数据更加的接近实际工程数据;ProMax可采用 的化学吸收溶剂有MEA、DEA、TEA、DGA®、MDEA、Piperzaine、DIPA、Sulfinol、混合胺及碳酸钾盐等,物理溶剂有 DEPG (Coastal AGR)、NMP(Purisol®)、并还在煤化工行业的低温甲醇洗工艺(Rectisol®)也有突出性能;除了基本的溶剂吸收发外,还可以模拟膜分离法脱碳的工艺。文章源自云智设计-
硫磺回收已成为全球重点关注的可以减少污染排放的问题之一。ProMax包含了一整套反应动力学模型,如平推流及搅拌,平衡、转换和Gibbs自由能反应模 型。此外,可模拟多种硫磺回收及尾气净化工艺过程,例如 Claus,Selectox®,COPETM,Ultra®,Sulfreen®,SCOT®,SUPERCLAUS®,MODOP®和CBA®。还可 根据酸气中H2S的含量来设定工艺流程的安排,如直流法、分流法、硫循环法、预热酸气法等。文章源自云智设计-
ProMax 提供了改进的热力学方程Caustic-treating-PR/SRK,可以更准确的模拟碱法处理酸气工艺,可以利用NaOH或Na2CO3溶液吸收去 除液态烃或天然气中的酸性气体,如H2S、CO2、硫醇等;如处理只含有硫醇的液体或气体时,碱液还可以在再生塔中进行加热再生或氧化再生。
ProMax 将模拟结果和用户提供的信息相互整合,可以设计计算各种换热器,如管壳式、双管、翅片管、管板式和紧凑式换热器。ProMax可提供与换热器软件HTRI 的接口,可将ProMax的数据完全导入到HTRI中;ProMax还提供了30多种传热液体进行换热设计。
ProMax用户情况全 球工程公司代表客户包括了:AECOM, Aker Kvaerner, Alstom Power, AMEC, Bechtel Corporation, Black & Veatch, CH2M Hill, Chiyoda Corporation, COSMO Engineering Co., Fluor Enterprises, Foster Wheeler, GE Energy, Hatch Energy, Hyundai Engineering, Jacobs Engineering, KBR, Linde AG, Samsung Engineering, TECHNIP, The Shaw Group, Washington Group, Wood Group, WorleyParsons等300多家。
国内用户包括了:中国石化工程建设公司(SEI),中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司(CPE),中国石化集团洛阳石油化工工程公司 (LPEC),Black & Veatch(北京),WorleyParsons (北京)。
全球业主公司代表客户包括:BASF,Shell,BP,Chevron,Dow Chemical等200多家。
ProMax is a powerful and versatile process simulation resource. Its level of flexibility is difficult to describe in one simple document. To enable better understanding of ProMax, particular abilities of ProMax are detailed within what we call a Process Focus..
(一)Amine Sweetening
For over two decades, TSWEET was known as the industry standard for simulating amine sweetening facilities. In an effort to better serve our clients, BR&E has now incorporated TSWEET into ProMax. This union has significantly enhanced the capabilities of our software, especially in the area of amine sweetening. Benefits include more complete thermodynamic models, calculation of more thermo-physical properties and better integration with hydrocarbon packages and unit operations. These benefits allow you to model many more processes such as complex absorber / stripper configurations, three-phase flashes and oils in amine units. The following amines are available either individually or as blends: MEA, DEA, DGA, MDEA, DIPA, TEA, and AMP. ProMax also introduces BR&E’s new Electrolytic-ELR model. This new model is a significant improvement to the NRTL acid gas model in TSWEET. The sweetening package also continues TSWEET’s unprecedented ability to model selective absorption using CO2 kinetics.
(二)Glycol Dehydration
BR&E is the leader in predicting the performance of both glycol dehydration and hydrate suppression systems. Benefits include rigorous predictions for water content, hydrate formation temperature, water dew point and CO2 freeze out. The best in industry BTEX solubility predictions from PROSIM have been carried forward into ProMax.

Characterize single or multi-component oils and blends for use in common refining applications.
Atmospheric and Vacuum Towers
Complete Oil Characterization and Blending
Three Phase Columns
Side Strippers and Pumparounds
Analyze operational problems
Choose from Assay Types
(四)NGL Fractionation / LPG Recovery
Model separation processes such as cryogenic, refrigeration, J-T, lean oil and other common gas processing applications. You can also model:
NGL and LPG fractionation trains
Refrigeration systems
Plant utility systems, such as steam, cooling water and hot oil
Nitrogen rejection units
Helium recovery units
(五)Caustic Treating
With the improved electrolytic property packages available in ProMax, caustic treating may be modeled to predict the absorption of acid gas compounds and sulfur species such as H2S, CO2, and mercaptans from liquid or vapor streams.
(六)Sulfur Recovery/ Tailgas Cleanup
ProMax will contain a complete reactor suite that allows simulation of various sulfur recovery and tail gas cleanup plants.
Claus sulfur recovery
Selectox/Recycle Selectox
There are a number of Claus sulfur recovery unit configurations available. For example, acid gas bypass, hot gas bypass, enhanced oxygen, catalytic burners and more.
(七)Sour Water Stripper
A much improved sour water stripper model is now available in ProMax. The electrolytic property packages now contain more component interaction data than previously available in TSWEET. Virtually any flow configuration is possible in ProMax.
(八)Pipelines / Gathering System Networks
Specify ambient conditions and overall heat transfer coefficient Calculate pressue drop for horizontal, vertical and inclined flow Obtain results for one, two and three phase flow Select from a wide range of correlations Perform backward calculations.
(九)Reactor Applications
There are numerous refinery and chemical reactor processes which can be modeled with ProMax reactors. The degree of model detail depends on the complexity of the reactions, the availability of any required kinetic or equilibrium information, and the availability of required input information.
